Best in class Support

We want to give you the absolute best support on the market
Thats why we have implemented 24-hour support, every day, all year round.
When we don’t have humans on call, our phone, chat and ticket Co-Pilots takes over.

Maximum response times for support are as follows.
We often respond much faster than our maximum response times.

Paid subscriptions

Live Chat with Elise: Instant
Live Chat with human agent: 1 hour
Email support: 2 hours
Forum support: 4 hours
Phone support: 5 minutes during opening hours

Free subscriptions

Live Chat with Elise: Instant
Live Chat with human agent: 8 hour
Email support: 4 hours
Forum support: 24 hours
Phone support: 5 minutes during opening hours

Note that all support and troubleshooting start with the Conzent Support team. We will escalate any need ticket to Google for further investigation if needed.

Start for free now

Why wait when its free? It makes absolutely no sense to wait following the law.
It doesn't matter if your are in the US, Europe or anywhere else.
Conzent got your back